Elements of the tax
Taxable event : That circumstance whose realization,
according to the law, originates the tax obligation. It is common taxable
events to obtain an income, the sale of goods and the provision of services,
ownership of property and ownership of economic rights, acquisition of goods
and rights by inheritance or gift.
Passive subject : the one who must, is the natural or legal
person who is required by law to comply with tax benefits. It distinguishes
between taxpayer, to which the tax imposes the tax burden, and legal person or
substitute of the taxpayer that is obliged to the material or formal fulfillment
of the obligation.
Active subject : it is the administrative entity directly
benefited by the collection of the tax, which includes in its budget the income
for the respective tax. In the case of Colombia, for example, the active
subjects are administrations of a territorial nature of national, departmental,
municipal or district, to which the creation of the tribute defines in one case
or another as recipients.
Taxable base : is the quantification and valuation of the
taxable event and determines the tax liability. It is an amount of money, but
it can also be other signs, such as the number of people living in a house,
liters of gasoline, liters of alcohol or number of cigarettes.
Type of tax : the proportion that is applied to the taxable
base in order to calculate the tax. This ratio can be fixed or variable.
Tax amount: That amount representing the tax and can be a
fixed amount or the result of multiplying the tax rate by the taxable base.
Tax debt : the final result after reducing the quota with
possible deductions and increasing with possible surcharges, which must be paid
(paid) to the active subject according to the rules and procedures established
for that purpose.
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